Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I can't believe I have a six year old!!!

So it seems like we've been celebrating Roosters birthday for weeks now, but today was his "official" day. He woke up this morning bright and early to open presents, then we made monster cupcakes (I'll be posting pictures of them soon). Donny was able to come home early and then we went to ToysRus to get his new bike. He out grows his bike every year. It amazes me how awesome he is on them, and then we went to Red Lobster for dinner. It's his favorite place to eat, he ate three of the garlic biscuit and about 40 shrimp. It was alot of fun, they even let them pet a Lobster. I'll be posting alot of picture as soon as I can of his big day.

So we are off to house hunt in California this weekend, Donny called the base yesterday and there is a 3-5 month wait to move into base housing and we decided no thanks, we'll just find something off base. I'm excited to go check things out. I'll keep you posted. They are packing us up on the 28th, and Donny checks in for work on the 11th of May.

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